Friday, May 8, 2009 UNO API offers a language independent Application Programming Interface (API) which allows to program the office in different programming languages (e.g. C++, Java, Python, CLI, StarBasic, JavaScript, OLE). It allows us to use as service provider in other applications, extend it with new functionality or simply customize and control

The API is based on the UNO component technology and that makes it really flexible and makes it possible to use one and the same API from different programming languages, all languages which are supported by UNO. Uno stands for Universal Network Objects. Uno is the interface based component model of Uno components may be implemented in and accessed from any programming language for which a Uno implementation (AKA language binding) and an appropriate bridge or adapter exists.

Getting started with OpenOffice API and Java

Before you begin you need to install You also need the following jar files on the class path:
  1. juh.jar
  2. jurt.jar
  3. ridl.jar
  4. unoil.jar

You can find these jar files in the installation directory in the subfolder program/classes. On linux for example a folder similar to /opt/ 2.4/program/classes (on OOo 1.x.x and OOo 2.x.x).

The folder structure of OOo 3.0.0 changed a lot. The jars juh.jar, jurt.jar and ridl.jar are available at
and unoil.jar is available at

You also need the program directory on your class path ( eg: /opt/openoffice.org3/program ), otherwise you’ll get the following error message: no office executable found!

First thing to do is to connect to the OpenOffice. They following code will start an instance of OpenOffice.

// Get the remote office component context
XComponentContext xContext = Bootstrap.bootstrap();

// Get the remote office service manager
XMultiComponentFactory xMCF = xContext.getServiceManager();

// Get the root frame (i.e. desktop) of openoffice framework.
Object oDesktop = xMCF.createInstanceWithContext("", xContext);

// Desktop has 3 interfaces. The XComponentLoader interface provides ability to load components.
XComponentLoader xCLoader = ( XComponentLoader ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XComponentLoader.class, oDesktop);

Now, we have to create an empty document in the new writer window.

// Create a document
XComponent document = xCLoader.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, new PropertyValue[0]);

// Get the textdocument
XTextDocument aTextDocument = ( XTextDocument )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(, document);

// Get its text
XText xText = aTextDocument.getText();

Now i can append my first piece text to the document

// Adding text to document
xText.insertString(xText.getEnd(), "My First OpenOffice Document", false);

Changing Font Styles and size

To set font family, style and size, we should set the property values CharFontName, CharFontStyleName and CharHeight of the XTextRange

XTextRange xTextRange = xText.createTextCursor();

XPropertySet xTextProps = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XPropertySet.class, xTextRange);
xTextProps.setPropertyValue("CharFontName", "Times New Roman");
xTextProps.setPropertyValue("CharFontStyleName", "Regular");
xTextProps.setPropertyValue("CharHeight", new Float(size));

Creating Table in OpenOffice

To create a table we need to create an instance of XMultiServiceFactory. And also the table ahould be initialize with total rows and columns before it can be inserted into the document

XMultiServiceFactory xMSF = ( XMultiServiceFactory ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XMultiServiceFactory.class, document);

// Creating a table with 3 rows and 4 columns
XTextTable xTextTable = ( XTextTable ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextTable.class, xMSF.createInstance( "" ) );
xTextTable.initialize( 2, 2); // rows, cols

// insert table in the xText
xText.insertTextContent(xText.getEnd(), xTextTable, false);

Now to add data to the cells in table

XCellRange xCellRangeHeader = (XCellRange) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCellRange.class, table);
XCell xCellHeader = null;
XText xHeaderText = null;

xCellHeader = xCellRangeHeader.getCellByPosition(0, 0); // cols, rows
xHeaderText = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xCellHeader);

xCellHeader = xCellRangeHeader.getCellByPosition(1, 0); // cols, rows
xHeaderText = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xCellHeader);

xCellHeader = xCellRangeHeader.getCellByPosition(0, 1); // cols, rows
xHeaderText = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xCellHeader);

xCellHeader = xCellRangeHeader.getCellByPosition(1, 1); // cols, rows
xHeaderText = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XText.class, xCellHeader);

Paper Formating

The default paper format and orientation is A4 and portrait. To change paper orientation

XPrintable xPrintable = ( XPrintable ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPrintable.class, document);
PropertyValue[] printerDesc = new PropertyValue[2];

// Paper Orientation
printerDesc[0] = new PropertyValue();
printerDesc[0].Name = "PaperOrientation";
printerDesc[0].Value = PaperOrientation.LANDSCAPE;

// Paper Format
printerDesc[1] = new PropertyValue();
printerDesc[1].Name = "PaperFormat";
printerDesc[1].Value = PaperFormat.A3;


Saving the Document

The final task is to save the document. Here is the code to do that

// the url where the document is to be saved
String storeUrl = “file:///tmp/OOo_doc.odt";

// Save the document
XStorable xStorable = ( XStorable )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, document);
PropertyValue[] storeProps = new PropertyValue[0];
xStorable.storeAsURL(storeUrl, storeProps);

When you want to export it to PDF, you need to specify a filter name: writer_pdf_Export. Also note that you need to call storeToUrl instead of storeAsUrl, otherwise you’ll get the following exception:

// export document to pdf
storeProps = new PropertyValue[1];
storeProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
storeProps[0].Name = "FilterName";
storeProps[0].Value = "writer_pdf_Export";

xStorable.storeToURL(“file:///tmp/OOo_doc.pdf", storeProps);

We can also save the document in other formats by specifying the filter name. For example, to save to rich text format

// the url where the document is to be saved
String storeUrl = “file:///tmp/OOo_doc.rtf ";

// Save the document
XStorable xStorable = ( XStorable )UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, document);
PropertyValue[] storeProps = new PropertyValue[0];
storeProps[0] = new PropertyValue();
storeProps[0].Name = "FilterName";
storeProps[0].Value = "Rich Text Format";

xStorable.storeAsURL(storeUrl, storeProps);

Printing the Document

Of course the document could be send to a printer. Here is the code to do that

XPrintable xPrintable = (XPrintable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPrintable.class, document);
PropertyValue[] printerDesc = new PropertyValue[1];
printerDesc[0] = new PropertyValue();
printerDesc[0].Name = "Name";
printerDesc[0].Value = "PDFCreator";

PropertyValue[] printOpts = new PropertyValue[1];
printOpts[0] = new PropertyValue();
printOpts[0].Name = "Pages";
printOpts[0].Value = "1";

Now we can close the document
// close document
XCloseable xcloseable = (XCloseable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCloseable.class, document);


  1. Nice one for a start... hope u add more to this

  2. agree. this is very useful. You could replace about 50 pages of javadoc at Ever thought of contributing. This is useful stuff.

    Becuase the API is so generic/flexible, the javadoc is writen very generically - which is very difficult to understand. Your blog cuts to the chase. nice work.

  3. Thanks. I would like to ask you for a complete source download and a description of the procedure to compile and run the code. Thanks.


  4. Nice example. Thanks a lot. I could not find all these in one place. However, close document did not work for my oocalc document. Would like to see oocalc example. Specifically seting row and column attributes.

  5. Very helpful as first steps to OOo programming.


  6. very useful. thank you

  7. If anyone is still watching this post. First of all, great post, it allowed me to start programming OOo from Java.

    But I do have a problem, I cannot get the program to run outside of Eclipse - it runs great within Eclipse. I continue to get the no office executable found! error when I try to run it outside of Eclipse. I do not know how to get Java to recognize the classpath.


  8. Thanks for this post!
    Writing a PDF converter is always got the error:
    Thanks to you i found out that i had to change the export call from saveAsURL to saveToURL.
    Is there any known reason you have to change it for PDF?

  9. Hi Rodney,

    If you are still looking for a solution. I had the same problem, know i'm using 'BootStrapConnector'
    You can find more information here:

  10. Good day,

    I'm having a problem with event handling in Open Office, particularly with regards to Key Events.

    Firstly, if anyone has ever wondered how to get it done (I was a bit confused about this, so I thought I might share the one answer that made sense), follow this link to see a simple example of how to add a KeyListener

    My problem is this. When I add key event listeners for OOWriter, the text no longer appears in Writer, only the commands in the keyPressed/keyReleased methods are executed. From my limited experience with Java, listeners aren't supposed to interfere with the natural running of the program/application, so it means that I'm doing something wrong. I wanted to post the code here but I noticed no one else has before so I'm asking

    1) IF I can post the code
    2) For help from anyone (would really appreciate it)

  11. This has been the most useful UNO API tutorial I've seen so far. Even better than the OOo documentation. Thank you!

  12. can i convert office documents without install the

    any other conversion doc to pdf can u share...


  13. non English character are not displaying on linux platform(Cent Os 5)

  14. Thanks for this. OpenOffice is huge, and the API is very complex. There is a real shortage of example code. The snippets are often not complete enough to get a working method up and going fast. As a developer, I'm under the gun and I don't really have time for hacking my way into opaque interfaces anymore. So I appreciate your contribution here. Thanks :)

  15. Nice post..It would be very useful if you post the entire source code also.

  16. Hello,

    can you please print the complete code and how to compile it?

    Thanks in advance!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Nice work, UNO is a great piece of software

  19. How to edit the existing word document using this api.

  20. I had following error:

    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: jpipe (Not found in java.library.path)

    Fixed it by added \URE\bin to path, in my case:


  21. it works!!!! wonderful!

  22. Do you know how to open Writer inside a form?

  23. Awesome tutorial... I am trying to create a new theme and add images to it... Can you help me with that??... thanks in advance...

  24. Most useful, but I have a problem with printing, my java application does not terminate as it should, and the Open office Writer instance no longer responds ans refuses to close (I am running Windows 7 with eclipse and jre7).

    Any hint ?

  25. Please tell me how to add a string to the OO calc document after the cell A5.
    I am sorry for my english.

  26. Yes. It work. I hope you write another UNO sample. Thks

  27. Thanks a lot ,it helped me to create pdf with hindi font...Where can I find more examples...Hope you will write more examples for Using UNO specially for PDF creation.

  28. I tried implementing your solution, but it doesn't work for me. I suppose it could be due to jar files (incorrect versions). So, it would be great if you could let us know the versions of the following jars.

    I got an error while trying to retrieve the remote office component context.

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;Ljava/lang/String;)V

    1. hey , try this :

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  32. Exploring the OpenOffice.orgUNO API has been an amazing adventure! This API makes it possible for programmers to modify and add features to OpenOffice applications and it captures my attention because the degree of control and freedom w can achieve in creating additional functionalities is amazing. On a different note, with respect to the web optimization of services, a properly effective life insurance landing page service is a must if one wants to have an online presence. Its all about tailoring the experience to be smooth and easy to navigate towards useful information, which transforms the traffic into clients. This is why you get strong results with the mix of solid APIs plus good marketing.
